When a reputation nightmare becomes a reality for your business, it can seem like something you’ll never recover from. And although the Internet may have seemed like your friend before, bringing you new customers and propagating your stellar content and ideas, you may now view the Internet as the reason for your downfall with all its negative comments and bad reviews. However, this doesn’t have to be your reality. With proper SEO help, you can turn around your bad press and get some solid reputation management going. To help those currently in this boat, here are three SEO tips for reputation management.
Don’t Bother Creating Content You Don’t Own
One of the reasons people love the Internet so much is because of the amount of information that’s available here. But on the other hand, one of the reasons people can’t trust the Internet at times is due to the sources of this information. This is the case for websites like Wikipedia.
While you may think that writing a Wikipedia page with your own story will help you set the record straight regarding your PR issues, Rand Fishkin of Moz states that this tactic really isn’t worth your time trying. Because you don’t own this content, meaning other people can come and replace or edit what you’ve written, this could actually be a tactic that just digs you further and further into a hole. However, there are effective ways in which you can get your side of the story out to the public.
Absolutely Create Content On Your Blog
Although creating content on websites you don’t manage is a bad idea, creating content in general when faced with a PR issue is a great idea. In fact, Chris Silver Smith of Search Engine Land states that blogging for reputation management can actually be your SEO secret weapon.
Not only will creating more blog content on your own website help you to manage and address your PR problem, but it will also help to get your site ranking for good keyword, bring more social interaction to your pages, and could ultimately boost your content above that of the negative content being spread about you. When doing reputation management, you truly can’t afford to neglect blogging and custom content creation.
Reassess Your Keyword Strategy
Once you’ve lost control of your keywords due to a reputation management issue, it can be difficult to know how to proceed. William Leake of Search Engine Watch recommends for businesses to begin reputation management with auditing your keywords and coming up with a list of alternatives that you can being trying to rank for. This will allow you to see which keywords are now becoming negative for you and begin cultivating the keywords that you can use to bring a more positive light to your SEO efforts.
When you have the need for reputation management, your strategy doesn’t need to be merely deny and defend. You can bring your company back into good standing by pressing forward with legitimate Internet marketing tactics, or by utilizing the relevant software that you can find from somewhere similar to Reputation.com so you can work on this area of your business as soon as possible. But by using the SEO strategies mentioned above, you should see some reputation improvement for your website and your brand.