If you are planning to mail your business videos to a partner, you should first convert these videos to become compatible with the devices and media player that he uses. The business videos should be converted to become compatible with the mobile devices that your partner is using. You must find out from your partner what type of smartphone and tablet that he uses so that you know what format to convert these videos. If you want to share the videos on a DVD, you should convert them into DVD format.
You can compress video files into any format you want with a basic video converter program such as Movavi Video Converter. The advantage of Movavi Video Converter is that it has a sleek user interface with tool tips provided to help beginners to use the program. When you first open the program, you will see a large open area that tells you to drag the files there. You can drag any number of business videos into the area to open them all at once. Alternatively, you can go to Add Media > Add Video to select the business videos that you want to add into the software.
You can only convert the videos to one format at a time. If you already know what format you want to convert the videos into, you can go to Video and find it either by using the back/next arrow or enter the keyword into the search box. To make your business videos viewable on android devices, you should choose formats like 3GP and MP4. For Apple devices like iPad, MP4 and MOV are the preferred video standards. If you want to burn your videos to a DVD, you can choose the DVD format under the Video tab.
If you are sending a lot of business videos to your partner, you can save space by choosing a smaller resolution. You can choose the resolution when you click on the target format under the Video tab. Movavi Video Converter has a built in video editor for carrying out small editing tasks on the videos for example trimming unwanted clips and cropping off the videos. The video editor divides the features into different tabs. It is a user friendly video converter software and you just need to drag a few sliders or click a few buttons to carry out the video editing.
Finally, you must click the folder icon at the bottom and choose the folder that is designated to be used for saving the converted files.If you want to convert the videos into multiple formats, you will have to repeat the steps until they are saved in the all the formats that you need. When it finished converting the videos, you will hear a notification sound and the destination folder with the converted video files will pop up on the computer screen. You can copy these video files onto a portable drives like a USB drive and send them in an envelope to mail to your business partner.