Life is filled with hard, seemingly impossible decisions that can tear us apart. While there’s often no good choice, selecting the best option requires the ability to think without panicking. By following a few simple guidelines, you can help yourself make the best of any situation.
Know the Facts
Even in a crisis, it’s important to keep cool under pressure, so you can get a good sense of the problem. Do what research you can, even if that just involves asking the right questions. For example, if you need to research an alternative payday loan due to being in desperate need of funds to cover living expenses. It might not stop the situation from occurring, but it enables you to take better hold of it. As they say, knowledge is power and knowing everything you can about a situation can lead you to make a better and more informed decision.
Analyze All Possible Outcomes
Once you have all of the information there is to learn about the situation, it’s time to use that data to infer the possible outcomes. Of course, the goal is to choose the most favorable outcome, but that won’t always be an obvious choice. You may have to compare a series of bad outcomes and choose the one that will have the least negative impact on those involved.
Seek Objective Advice
Before making a final decision, you want to ensure you’re making the right life choices. It may help to seek out the opinions of others, but try to refrain from getting advice from those close to the situation. Similarly, close loved ones may also have clouded judgment. It’s best to seek impartial opinions from professionals who have the expertise to analyze the situation. For instance, if your child had been diagnosed with a disease, it may help to get a second opinion from another pediatrician.
Be Firm in Your Resolve
At this point, you’ve made a sensible decision without letting your emotions override your logic. You have to make a commitment to follow through with that decision, no matter how nervous you may feel about the situation. The high stress created in a personal crisis makes it hard enough to make good judgment calls, so it’s important that you do not second guess yourself at this point in the decision-making process. Instead, feel confident that you’ve made the best possible choice with the information that has been available to you.
And Yet Be Flexible
As you put your decision into action, events may change the expected outcome. While you were wise to be strong about sticking to your decision, new factors should allow you to re-examine your choice. Life is always evolving, so it’s important to also be flexible. When events change the circumstances of a situation, you must change with it. This requires starting from the top and researching everything you can about these new factors that are now affecting the situation.
Don’t Dwell on Regret
No matter how things turned out, it’s important to remember that you did your best in a difficult set of circumstances. Worrying about what you should have done differently or how another choice might have worked out better serves no good purpose. What’s done is done, so there’s no use in letting guilt and stress consume you. In fact, it may be wise to look for some way to relax and step back away from the situation. Get out of town for awhile and let your hair down. It’s time to recuperate.
Stress and intense emotions can force us to make rash and poor decisions if we let them. This is why it’s so important to step back and analyze every situation rationally. By making decisions based on information and logic, we’re better prepared for whatever outcome may occur.