If you accumulate twelve or more penalty points on your driving license in a three year period, you will face your license being taken off you, as well as an automatic six month driving ban. Most drivers are aware of this law, however, few people are aware of just how this ‘totting up’ rule actually works.
We sat down with insurance experts, Insurance Revolution, to talk about just how the totting up ban really works.
How does the ‘totting up’ procedure work?
The amount of points you get for each driving offence varies depending on the crime you have committed. The minimum amount of points that you can be given for any driving offence in England and Wales is three, and the most common reason for these is exceeding the speed limit. However, for speeding alone you can incur up to six penalty points, with the more dangerous speeding cases being taken to court. These drivers that are found speeding that can incur penalty points or court cases on themselves, will more than likely have to look for insurance policies similar to this sp30 car insurance in order to have sufficient insurance, should they be able to drive in the future.
If you’re caught speeding, or are convicted of other driving offences within a three year period, and the amount of penalty points on your license comes to 12 or more, you face an automatic driving disqualification for six months.
Not only can this have a detrimental impact on your driving record, but it’s only going to become significantly harder to find affordable car insurance in the future, as stated above. You’ll start to think that nothing can be done to lower your premium, but you’d be wrong. There is an option that you can consider, and it comes in the form of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers. Unbeknownst to many people, there are lots of companies out there who can provide you with affordable insurance, regardless of your previous convictions, thus allowing you to get back on the road again whilst still having money in your pocket. Of course, driving carefully in the first place will mean that you don’t have to consider this option should anything happen.
The only way that you can avoid a totting up driving ban is if you successfully claim exceptional hardship, although this can prove difficult.
The Fixed Penalty Notice System
The fixed penalty notice for a speeding conviction is a �100 fine and three penalty points added to your license. However, you can only accept one of these if you have eight points or less on your license already. If you have nine or more penalty points on your license, you are not allowed to accept a fixed penalty notice, and you will get a Postal Requisition or Summons in the post.
If you have received a fixed penalty notice, and you have nine or more points on your license, the authorities have issued this before they have been aware of the amount of points on your license. The authorities will expect you to decline the fixed penalty if you have nine or more points on your license.
If you have nine or more points on your license, but you choose to to accept the offer of a fixed penalty notice, the authorities will reject this acceptance. Your license will then be returned to you with the correct amount of points on it, and you will receive an automatic ‘totting up’ driving ban.
It’s important to remember that, if it’s been less than two years since you passed your driving test, your license will be revoked if you accumulate six or more points. If this happens, you will need to retake your test.