Keys to Success While Switching Careers

Keys to Success While Switching Careers

If a change in careers seems to be in your near future, you are not alone. According to about one third of the total workforce will change jobs every 12 months. There are numerous reasons for a desire or a need to change careers, and if it’s something you’re going to be doing soon, make sure to follow these guidelines.

Understanding why you need a change

Whether your need to find a new career path is due to company downsizing, a loss of interest, or a newfound passion, make sure that you understand what about your current career isn’t making the cut and what you’re looking for in a future career. There may be many aspects about a career that push you towards change, so take your time in deciphering what it is about your current position that you don’t enjoy.

Spend an adequate amount of time discovering what truly excites you, and what you’re looking to avoid altogether. In doing so, you’ll be more likely to find a fulfilling position as your next career. If you’re having trouble deciding exactly where you’ll be happiest in your next venture, consider taking one of the many career assessments available.

Research careers that fit your interests

After you’ve completed your research, you may have a pretty clear idea of where you’d like to go. Study your options for the type of positions you’re interested in and do your research on the specific aspects you are looking for, as well as those you’d like to avoid. You can then look at organizing your resume to fit in with what they are looking for and highlight your skills that better suit the job. Taking a look at a website like ARC Resumes can help immensely with sorting through things like this so that you can get the job/career change you want with a professional resume application.

Consider all aspects of the career change as well. If you live in a small town, but are looking to join New York’s booming job growth on Wall Street, then you’ll need to consider things like the cost of living, stress of moving, and securing employment prior to booking a one way ticket. Switching jobs takes careful consideration for you and your family, and making big changes should always be preceded by research into all aspects of the change.

Begin networking and gaining experience

Now that you’ve decided exactly where you’d like to go, get started by meeting new people and making connections in the industry. If you’re switching career paths completely you may be a little in the dark as to where to start. Consider current colleagues, social media, and professional organizations to give you a jump start. Job leads can come from many different sources, so be sure to let those around you know exactly what your goals are, and don’t be afraid to ask for referrals.

While you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity to arise, be sure to gain as much experience or education as possible. Depending on your career change, you may be doing something similar to your last position or completely different; gaining experience early on can only help your search for employment. Not only will gaining experience assist when you finally snag an interview for your dream job, but it may also open your eyes to potential dislikes in the job; making it easier for you to reconsider than doing so after you’ve obtained employment.

Finding a new career can be tricky and stressful, make it easier on yourself as well as your family by taking your time, seeking as much information as possible, and giving it all you’ve got. Following these tips is sure to be a great start in the right direction.

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